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Most items are eligible for return or exchange if the return occurs within 30 days of purchase and required conditions are met. No refunds or exchanges are possible after 30 days.

To be eligible for a return or exchange, requirements include that your item be unused and in the same condition as when you received it and must be in the original packaging.

Several types of goods are exempt from being returned. Examples of items that cannot be returned include:

* Intimate or sanitary goods

* Hazardous materials, or flammable liquids or gases

* Downloadable software products

* Some health and personal care items

There are certain situations where no refund or only partial refunds are granted. Pipeline has full discretion to reject return requests for these and related reasons.

* Item with obvious signs of use

* Any item not in its original condition, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error.

* Any item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery

To process your return:

  1. If you need to process a return please login to your Pipeline Medical online account and select "Order History" from the Orders & Lists dropdown menu. From there click into the order you wish to return and follow the links for submitting a return request. If you have any concerns or issues, please contact us at
  2. After submitting your return request, you will receive an email providing you with a shipping label for returning the item to the manufacturer or distributor.
  3. Once your returned item(s) are received, you will receive an email to notify you that we have received the items and if the return was accepted or if it was denied due to any of the outlined conditions.
  4. Once your returned item has been received and approved a credit will be applied to your account.

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